Resep Fried Gurami Soup oleh jenny chang
Berikut ini cara membuat Fried Gurami Soup. Resep Fried Gurami Soup yang dibuat oleh jenny chang bisa disajikan For 2 persons.

Resep Fried Gurami Soup
Porsi: For 2 persons
- 600 gram fresh gurami, cut into 4 pieces;
- marinate with half lemon and salt for 15minutes
- 200 gram of carrot; slice into carrot coin
- 200 gram of fungus mushroom
- 100 gram of tofu; cut into small cube shape
- 1000 ml water
- 300 ml of cooking oil (I am using soya oil)
- 1 tbs of salt (you may add more if you like
- salty food; I reduce the salt for healthy purpose)
- 2 tbs of salt ebi seasoning
- Ground Spices:
- 2 tbs of coriander (ketumbar); grill and ground it
- 2 pieces of candlenut (kemiri); grill and ground it
- 4 cloves of garlic; grill and ground/minced
Boil water with a medium pot
Add all grill and ground spices into the pot
Add carrot and mushroom
Cook with medium heat for boiling
Set aside the soup after boiling
Heat the cooking oil with a pan until 200C
Fried gourami fish in medium heat for 7-10 minutes
Lower the heat and fried the fish until golden brown and fully cooked
Drain with oil filter or paper towels
Shimmer the soup for 5 minutes
Add the fried gurami into boiling soup and shimmer for additional 5 minutes.
Serve with crispy red onion sprinkle (bawang merah goreng)
Itulah Resep Fried Gurami Soup, Harapan kami berguna untuk pembaca sekalian.Untuk menemukan resep lainnya silahkan gunakan Kotak pencarian yang kami sediakan. terdapat sekitar satu juta resep masakan yang tentunya dapat membantu anda menemukan resep yang paling dibutuhkan.
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